Build a Message Stream

Retrieving Messages for a User

Messages have several properties which you should familiarize yourself with before building a stream or displaying messages.
Property name Can be blank Description Plugin SDK name
title No The title of the message title
text Yes The body of the message text
htmlText Yes The body of the message rendered into an HTML string html_text
imageURL Yes A URL pointing to an image card_image_url
videoURL (iOS) mediaURL (Android) Yes A URL pointing to a video card_media_url
URL (iOS) contentURL (Android) Yes A URL pointing to a generic page or resource url
read No Whether or not the message has been read is_read
createdAt No The date and time when the message was created created_at
messageID No An alphanumeric unique ID for the message id
attributes Yes A dictionary of string keys and values set on the message attributes
You can use the MessageStream interface to asynchronously request an array of messages for that device. Once returned you can use these objects to construct your own Message Stream interface.

iOS (Objective-C)

//On iOS, using Objective-C

[[STMMessageStream new] messages:^(NSArray *messages, NSError *error) {
  //Do something with the array of messages

iOS (Swift)

STMMessageStream().messages { (theMessages, anError) -> Void in
  //Do something with the array of messages

Android (Java)

new MessageStream().getMessages(new MessageStream.MessagesHandler() {
  public void onSuccess(ArrayList messages) {
    //Do something with the array of messages

  public void onFailure(Error error) {

Android (Kotlin)

MessageStream().getMessages(object : MessageStream.MessagesHandler {
    override fun onSuccess(messages: ArrayList?) {
      //Do something with the array of messages

    override fun onFailure(error: Error?) {

React Native (JavaScript)

SailthruMobile.getMessages().then(messages => {
  //Do something with the array of messages
}).catch(e => {
  //Handle error

Show Full Screen Content

After a user taps on message, you can can show the full screen content with the following method.

iOS (Objective-C)

[[STMMessageStream new] presentMessageDetailForMessage:self.latestMessage];

iOS (Swift)


Android (Java)

Intent intent = MessageActivity.intentForMessage(context, bundle, message);

Android (Kotlin)

val intent = MessageActivity.intentForMessage(context, bundle, message)

React Native (JavaScript)


Support Impressions

In order to support impression analytics from your Message Stream you will need to ensure you register an impression event for relevant messages when your Message Stream is shown to the user. Sailthru Mobile supports tracking three types of impressions:
  • In App Notification Impression
  • Message Viewed in Stream Impression
  • Message Viewed in Detail Impression
If you didn't customize Sailthru Mobile's default in-app notification or full-screen detail user interface, there is no need to register an impression event as these will be captured automatically.

iOS (Objective-C)

[[STMMessageStream new] registerImpressionWithType:
    STMImpressionTypeInAppNotificationView forMessage:message];

[[STMMessageStream new] registerImpressionWithType:
    STMImpressionTypeStreamView forMessage:message];

[[STMMessageStream new] registerImpressionWithType:
    STMImpressionTypeDetailView forMessage:message];

iOS (Swift)

STMMessageStream().registerImpressionWithType(.inAppNotificationView, forMessage: message)
STMMessageStream().registerImpressionWithType(.streamView, forMessage: message)        
STMMessageStream().registerImpressionWithType(.detailView, forMessage: message)

Android (Java)

new MessageStream().registerMessageImpression(ImpressionType.IMPRESSION_TYPE_IN_APP_VIEW, message);

new MessageStream().registerMessageImpression(ImpressionType.IMPRESSION_TYPE_STREAM_VIEW, message);

new MessageStream().registerMessageImpression(ImpressionType.IMPRESSION_TYPE_DETAIL_VIEW, message);

Android (Kotlin)

MessageStream().registerMessageImpression(ImpressionType.IMPRESSION_TYPE_IN_APP_VIEW, message)

       MessageStream().registerMessageImpression(ImpressionType.IMPRESSION_TYPE_STREAM_VIEW, message)

       MessageStream().registerMessageImpression(ImpressionType.IMPRESSION_TYPE_DETAIL_VIEW, message)

React Native (JavaScript)

SailthruMobile.registerMessageImpression(SailthruMobile.MessageImpressionType.InAppView, message);

SailthruMobile.registerMessageImpression(SailthruMobile.MessageImpressionType.StreamView, message);

SailthruMobile.registerMessageImpression(SailthruMobile.MessageImpressionType.DetailView, message);

Marking as Read

You might also want to track which messages have been read or not with your Message Stream, so you could show a number badge or unread indicator. You can mark a collection or single message as read.

iOS (Objective-C)

[[STMMessageStream new] markMessageAsRead:message withResponse:NULL];
// or
[[STMMessageStream new] markMessagesAsRead:@[message1, message2, message3] withResponse:NULL];

iOS (Swift)

STMMessageStream().markMessageAsRead(message, withResponse: nil)
STMMessageStream().markMessagesAsRead(messages, withResponse: nil)

Android (Java)

new MessageStream().setMessageRead(message, messageReadHandler);
// or 
new MessageStream().setMessagesRead(messageList, messageReadHandler);

Android (Kotlin)

MessageStream().setMessageRead(message, messageReadHandler)
// or 
MessageStream().setMessagesRead(messageList, messageReadHandler)

React Native (JavaScript)

SailthruMobile.markMessageAsRead(message).then(result => {
  // Handle success
}).catch(e => {
  // Handle error

Delete Messages

Messages can be deleted from a user's stream.

iOS (Objective-C)

[[STMMessageStream new] removeMessage:message withResonse:^(NSError *error) {
  //Do something with any errors

iOS (Swift)

STMMessageStream().removeMessage(message, withResponse: nil)

Android (Java)

new MessageStream().deleteMessage(message, messageDeletedHandler);

Android (Kotlin)

MessageStream().deleteMessage(message, messageDeletedHandler)

React Native (JavaScript)

SailthruMobile.removeMessage(message).then(result => {
  // Handle success
}).catch(e => {
  // Handle error

Custom In-App Notifications

You can customize the look and feel of In-App Message Notifications by following the instructions here. Note: While testing, you can reinstall the app to get a fresh set of messages, as impressions and deletions do not persist between same-device installs.

Custom Message Attributes

You can use a dictionary or hash of custom attributes to further customize the display of your message stream and messages. These may include:
  • Pinned messages
  • Categories on the Stream
  • Custom CTAs or card design

HTML Support

Since you can include markdown in messages sent via Sailthru Mobile, we expose this markdown rendered into HTML with the htmlText property.

iOS (Objective-C)

bodyLabel.attributedText = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithData:[message.htmlText dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
                            options:@{NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType,
                                 NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute: @(NSUTF8StringEncoding)}
                 documentAttributes:nil error:nil];

iOS (Swift)

do {
    try bodyLabel.attributedText = NSAttributedString.init(
        data: message.htmlText.dataUsingEncoding(NSUnicodeStringEncoding)!,
        options: [
            NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType,
            NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute: NSUTF8StringEncoding
        documentAttributes: nil);
} catch {

Android (Java)

TextView textView = ...;

Android (Kotlin)

val textView = ...
textView.text = Html.fromHtml(message.htmlText, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT)
HTML Text will always be populated, even if no markdown was used in the original message.

Unread Messages Count

You can get the number of unread messages from the SDK, without the need to request a message stream and iterate over each individual message. Sailthru Mobile will deliver an in-app message in two occasions: after launch with app is in foreground or if the user has the app open and the device has a valid push token. Therefore, you may want to obtain the unread message count when the user opens the app, or when it becomes active after being backgrounded.

iOS (Objective-C)

- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
    [[STMMessageStream new] unreadCount:^(NSUInteger unreadCount, NSError * _Nullable error) {
        // Add your logic here

iOS (Swift)

func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
    STMMessageStream().unreadCount { (count, error) in
        // Add your logic here

Android (Java)

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    protected void onResume() {
        new MessageStream().getUnreadMessageCount(new MessageStream.MessageStreamHandler() {
            public void onSuccess(Integer value) {
                // Handle count

            public void onFailure(@Nullable Error error) {
                // Handle error

        // Add your logic here

Android (Kotlin)

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onResume() {
        MessageStream().getUnreadMessageCount(object: MessageStream.MessageStreamHandler<Int?> {
            override fun onSuccess(count: Int?) {
                // Handle count

            override fun onFailure(error: Error?) {
               // Handle error 

        // Add your logic here

React Native (JavaScript)

SailthruMobile.getUnreadCount().then(function(count) {
  // Handle unread message count
}, function(e){
  // Handle error

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