Android Integration

Integration instructions for Android Apps using Java

Note: The following steps assume you have access to the Mobile Platform, the latest version of either Android Studio or Eclipse with ADT installed, and are targeting at least Android API level 16 (Jelly Bean-4.1) - The Mobile SDK will not work on earlier versions of Android.

Android Studio

Edit the build.gradle file for your application (Module: app) and add the following repositories, dependencies and plugins:
repositories {
  maven {
    url ""

dependencies {
  // Append this line to the dependencies section
  implementation ''
// This should be at the bottom of the file
apply plugin: ''

For SDK versions 7.0.0 to 9.0.0 of the legacy 'carnival' SDK, if your app has not upgraded to use the AndroidX libraries yet you will need to use the 'carnival-dejetified' dependency instead:
dependencies {
  // Append this line to the dependencies section
  implementation 'com.carnival.sdk:carnival-dejetified:8.2.0'
Support for non-AndroidX apps was removed in version 9.0.0. Multidex: When integrating any 3rd party library with Android, you may run into issues of exceeding 65,000 methods. It's best to enable Multidex to support this limitation. Read more here Note: Using 10.+ for the version part of the dependencies will always get the latest minor version of the Mobile 10.x SDK. This will keep you up to date with minor upgrades to the SDK. Alternatively, you can specify this explicitly to stay on a certain version. The google services plugin must be applied at the bottom of the app level build.gradle file. The Google Services dependency must also be added to the project level build.gradle file:
buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
You will also need to ensure that the google-services.json file for your project has been added to the root directory of your Android app module (note that this is the root of the app, not the root of the project). If you have not yet created a Firebase Console project for your application, you should do so now here. The `google-services.json' file will be provided during the setup process. If you have already setup a project, the file can be downloaded from the Firebase Console from the project settings page:

In the General tab you should be able to find your app in the 'Your apps' section. You should then be able to download the JSON file from the 'Download the latest config file' section:
More information about adding the the google-services.json file to your app can be found in Google's developer documentation here.

Gradle Dependencies

The Android SDK utilises the Firebase Messaging library for push notifications. Since the library version is greater than version 15.0.0, there is a requirement that all Play Services and Firebase libraries included in your app also be at least version 15.0.0. This requirement was put in place by Google when they moved to semantic versioning from release 15.0.0 onwards. Further details can be found here. The Firebase Messaging library and Play Services GCM library cannot be present in the same application, so you should ensure the Play Services GCM library is not present in your app dependencies. If you do not include the Firebase Core library in your app dependencies you may receive a Java Compiler warning:
Warning: The app gradle file must have a dependency on for Firebase services to work as intended.
Firebase Messaging notifications will still be received without adding the core library, so it is not required for the Mobile SDK to work correctly, however some of the additional functionality Firebase offers in the console may not work without it.

Connecting to Mobile

Collect your SDK Key from Mobile. Navigate to Settings -> Developer to find this. There is only one line of code that needs to go into your Application onCreate() method. The Context that gets passed to Mobile should usually be this or getApplicationContext().


// Remember to add your import

new SailthruMobile().startEngine(getApplicationContext(), "SDK_KEY");


// Remember to add your import

SailthruMobile().startEngine(applicationContext, "SDK_KEY")
Set your application to use your Application class in the manifest if you haven't already:
        ... >

FirebaseMessagingService Implementation

Firebase sends tokens and notifications to the app through an implementation of the FirebaseMessagingService class. The SDK implements this class internally so your app can work with Firebase without having to create its own implementation. If, however, your app does have an implementation of the FirebaseMessagingService class then it will override the one that is implemented in the SDK. In this case in order for the SDK to function correctly you must pass the token and any received notifications to the SDK manually through the setDeviceToken() and handleNotification() methods:



 * Your app's implementation of FirebaseMessagingService.
public final class AppFirebaseService extends FirebaseMessagingService {

    public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
        // Your code for handling notification
        // Pass notification through to Sailthru Mobile
        new SailthruMobile().handleNotification(remoteMessage);

    public void onNewToken(String token) {
        // Your code for handling token
        // Pass token through to Sailthru Mobile
        new SailthruMobile().setDeviceToken(token);



 * Your app's implementation of FirebaseMessagingService.
class AppFirebaseService : FirebaseMessagingService() {
    override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {

        // Your code for handling notification

        // Pass notification through to Sailthru Mobile

    override fun onNewToken(token: String) {

        // Your code for handling token

        // Pass token through to Sailthru Mobile

Notification Styling

One other optional small task you might want to do while integrating is to set the notification icon. Android notifications use a custom icon for your application that appears in the status bar. The Android documentation has a detailed explanation on how to create and style an icon for this use, but if you are using Android Studio the easiest way is to go File -> New -> Image Asset and select Notification Icons from the Icon Type drop-down. Change the Name to any value, for example ic_stat_notification. Once you have your icon in your application, tell Mobile about it by creating a NotificationConfig object and calling setSmallIcon with the icon's drawable resource.


NotificationConfig config = new NotificationConfig();

new SailthruMobile().setNotificationConfig(config);


val config = NotificationConfig()

NotificationConfig has many features to customize the behavior and style of push notifications. Check the javadoc for the full list of options.

Notification Channels

When targeting Android 8.0 (Oreo) and later, apps are required to define a NotificationChannel and send their notifications through that. Notification channels make it easier for users to define how notifications behave on their devices. The Mobile SDK, on versions >= v5.0.0 will define a default notification channel called Notifications with a default priority. If you'd like to define your own default channel, however, you can define your own like so: If you use SDK 5.0.0 and above, default notification channel creation will occur even if your app does not target Android Oreo. If you would like to avoid default channel creation until your app targets Oreo, do not upgrade to this version. Information on advanced usage of Notification Channels on Sailthru Mobile can be found here.

Launch the App

Finally, launch your application on your Android device or in the emulator. Login to Mobile, Navigate to Settings->Logs->Device and you should see your device listed.


Your device should appear in the Device Log. This is located in Settings -> Logs. If you can't see your device in the Device Log, try these steps:
  • Confirm that when you launch your Application that there are no "Mobile authentication failure" warnings in the log output. If you have warnings then this means you have supplied the wrong SDK key or you have not set up the Bundle Identifier correctly. Go back through the above steps.
  • Make sure you have an active internet connection.
  • Make sure that the device has Google Play Store installed.
  • If running on the Android emulator make sure that the AVD runs the Google APIs platform based on Android 4.2.2 or higher.
  • If you get this far and still have problems, re-trace over the steps above.
You have now completed this section and your Application should be correctly registering with Mobile.

Next Steps

  1. Setup Push Notifications for Android to ensure your users can receive push notifications.
  2. Setup in-app messages to enable Mobile rich In-App Messages.
  3. Collect user data to help in segmenting and targeting your users based on their activity.

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