SDK Deprecation and Support
A guide to SDK deprecation and support policy
Our SDKs follow
Semantic Versioning (SemVer). We use SemVer to communicate the significance of change between SDK versions to you. We also use deprecation annotations to mark deprecated methods, which you can expect to be removed fully in the following major release. If you are using a deprecated method, we encourage you to use the supported alternative. For each deprecated method, we provide a supported alternative, either in the form of another method or as a different solution.
It is recommended that you keep up to date by using the latest version of the Mobile SDKs. You can read the release notes which include details about bug fixes and new features, and these are attached to our GitHub releases. It is also advised you update to the latest SDK version before contacting support.
The supported versions for the SDKs can be found on the
Add the SDK
page. How these versions are determined for the different SDK platforms are detailed below.
Android SDK
As of 2018, the Android platform has implemented a new policy for Apps submitted to the Google Play Store:
The Target API level requirement is a yearly adjustment that requires Apps submitted to the Play Store to be targeting the most recent Android release SDK version as their targetSdkVersion within a year of its release in order to be accepted into the Play Store. As of the end of 2018 all apps and their dependencies must be targeting at least API level 26. At the end of 2022 it will be API level 31. We will deprecate our SDK in line with this policy.
On the iOS platform we will conduct regular reviews of the codebase and make decisions on deprecated versions based on bug fixes, functionality discrepancies and supported iOS versions. However, we will always support at least the last major version.
Wrapper SDKs
The React Native wrapper SDK will be supported in line with the native SDKs (iOS and Android). As long as both native library versions included in the release of the wrapper SDK version are still supported then that wrapper SDK version is also considered supported.
We're always more than happy to help with any questions you have while developing with our SDKs. Don't hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or our Support team if you have questions during development.