Push Notifications for Android

There are 2 stages to complete in order to setup Push Notifications with Sailthru Mobile:

  1. Generate your private key file
  2. Upload your private key file to Sailthru

Generate your private key file

  1. Login to your Firebase account
  2. Go to Service Accounts
  3. Select your project
  4. Click Generate New Private Key (.json file), then confirm by clicking Generate Key
  5. Securely store the JSON file containing the key

Upload your private key file to Sailthru

  1. Login to your Sailthru account
  2. Go to Settings > Developer > Google Android
  3. Upload the .json file to the Service Account (.json) upload field
  4. If this was done successfully you will see
    1. “This certificate is valid”, and
    2. “Service Account: Uploaded and saved successfully” (top right corner of screen)
  5. If this was not done successfully you will see
    1. This upload field remains blank, and
    2. Related error messages (top right corner of screen)

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