What’s New in Sailthru

Learn about our latest product releases and enhancements. Please contact your Customer Success Manager or Support with any questions.

First API Rate Limiting Milestone on July 14

July 12, 2016
As first announced in April of this year, API rate limiting restrictions matching our current best practices will be enforced across all applications accessing Sailthru, effective Sept. 6, 2016. This announcement also noted two change milestones at no sooner than 60 and 30 days prior to the September change. On Thursday, July 14, the first planned …

Performance Enhancements for List Erase Jobs

July 11, 2016
In our continued work to add efficiency to popular jobs, we are releasing a performance enhancement to our List Erase job. Erasing a list using my.sailthru or the API does more than just removes the list from the “Lists” page – we also go through and update every single profile affected by the list removal. We …

System Upkeep: Archiving Template Revisions

June 28, 2016
Each time you edit and save a template, Sailthru keeps the previous version and makes all previous versions available to you. This helps protect you from accidents and offers a way to trace changes. This functionality is here to stay. However, to prevent the limitless growth of stored revisions, we are putting liberal bounds on it. For each template, at least 40 of your most recent …

Resolving Bugs in Team Permissions Functionality

June 23, 2016
On Thursday, July 7, 2016, we will resolve a bug that previously allowed your limited-access users on my.Sailthru.com to schedule campaigns using lists they should not have had access to. When creating or modifying a campaign, limited-access users will no longer be given the option to send to any lists that their team was not …

Restricting usage of IP addresses as hyperlink references

March 7, 2016
You and your customer’s security is paramount in our day-to-day operations. In our continued efforts to this commitment, we would like to inform you of an upcoming change in the type of links that our system will allow you to redirect users to and track. Beginning March 7, 2016, we will no longer allow direct IP …

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