
First API Rate Limiting Milestone on July 14

As first announced in April of this year, API rate limiting restrictions matching our current best practices will be enforced across all applications accessing Sailthru, effective Sept. 6, 2016. This announcement also noted two change milestones at no sooner than 60 and 30 days prior to the September change. On Thursday, July 14, the first planned milestone will take place. This will lower call limits to 2x the upcoming September enforcement numbers. One final milestone will take place on or after Aug. 8, 2016, in which the limits will be lowered to 1.5x the call limits of the September change. We previously contacted customers who were exceeding or near-exceeding the limits which will take effect in September. Accordingly, this message is informative in nature. Developers can read more about limits and Sailthru rate limiting headers in our documentation here at getstartedstg.wpenginepowered.com. If you have questions, please contact a Customer Success team member or support@sailthru.com.