
Performance Enhancements for List Erase Jobs

In our continued work to add efficiency to popular jobs, we are releasing a performance enhancement to our List Erase job. Erasing a list using my.sailthru or the API does more than just removes the list from the “Lists” page – we also go through and update every single profile affected by the list removal. We handle this by quietly starting a job in the background when you ask the system to erase a list. Our initial tests are showing 10x-20x speed improvements compared to the old job. In addition to the obvious speed improvements with updating user profiles, this allows the system to move on to other jobs much sooner than before. Beginning July 12, 2016, we will roll out this performance enhancement to the List Erase job. You’ll receive a notification in your my.sailthru dashboard 24 hours prior to the release. There’s no action on your part needed! The release should be complete by July 17.