What’s New in Sailthru
Learn about our latest product releases and enhancements. Please contact your Customer Success Manager or Support with any questions.
Magento 2 Integration – v2.0.3
July 13, 2020Today we released Sailthru Magento Integration v2.0.3, resolving a bug with Sailthru abandoned carts and Magento reorder functionality. The latest package is available via GitHub and Composer.
Saved Rows in Email Composer
June 17, 2020Save and reuse rows in Email Composer with our new feature, Saved Rows. No more recreating the same headers and footers over and over again 🙂
Create a Saved Row (3 easy steps)
1. Select any row you would like to save.
2. Select the icon. (Appears on both the row itself and alongside the “Row Properties” menu.)
3. …
Email Summary with Table View
June 17, 2020The Table View is our vision for helping you explore your Campaign sends!
Sailthru’s Analytics in MY are getting yet another upgrade! We know many folks appreciate being able to sort through all the different emails that were sent out to end users. Being able to compare and browse amongst them is crucial to figuring out …
Disabling TLSv1.0 Support for Track and Personalize
June 15, 2020As of June 15, 2020, Sailthru is disabling TLSv1.0 support for Track and Personalize. This will only affect you if you use a web browser that has not been updated since 2008.
Email Summary with List Filtering
April 27, 2020Sailthru’s Analytics are getting another upgrade! This time, we’re building upon Email Summary to bring you a way to segment your most important key metrics by Lists!
Whether they’re smart Lists or natural Lists, you can decide which ones to plot in order to see their performance over time. You can quickly compare metrics like …