GDPR Do Not Track Option

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) provides individual users, or data subjects, certain rights, including the right to object to processing. Sailthru offers our customers 'Do Not Track' capabilities that allow users to opt out from online tracking across devices whenever a user identifies him/herself.

How does a site visitor set 'Do Not Track'?

Sailthru offers a JavaScript function gdprDoNotTrack that allows customers to turn off tracking of user data on both the browser and server. The JavaScript function does not require the user be identified to Sailthru, but for persistence of 'Do Not Track' across devices the user should be known and have a sailthru_hid cookie set so the 'Do Not Track' designation will be retained indefinitely on their Sailthru profile.

How does Sailthru's 'Do Not Track' designation work?

The 'gdprDoNotTrack' JS function requires that Sailthru.init() be called on the page and takes no parameters. The function will look for the sailthru_hid cookie automatically in order to identify the user and store their 'Do Not Track' designation on to their profile.
Additionally, all cookies used for tracking purposes are purged and will not be created for 'Do Not Track' users:
  • sailthru_content - content viewed
  • sailthru_pc - personalized content clicked on
  • sailthru_bid - source email, used for purchase attribution
  • sailthru_sid - sailthru identifier
  • sailthru_cid - content viewed
  • sailthru_rid - Concierge and Scout clicked personalized content
  • sailthru_recommendation_hidden - Concierge close designation
Sailthru does retain and record data after a user has chosen to opt out of tracking, however that data contains no identifiable information about the user. Data exchanged after the 'Do Not Track' designation has been set includes general engagement metrics (like the number of page views) and anonymous personalization calls.

'Do Not Track' and Suppression Lists

Users opted out of online tracking have no engagement activity (opens, clicks, or pageviews) attributed to them. If you are using an engagement-based suppression list, they will eventually cease to receive your messaging as their activity is not being tracked.

For example, with a suppression list of users who haven't opened or clicked in the last 180 days, any user opted out of online tracking will be suppressed after this timeframe, regardless if they've continued to engage with your email.

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