
SMS key in the Sailthru platform

Sailthru is excited to roll out SMS keys to support the growth of SMS as a core marketing channel. Sailthru customers who use SMS are now able to export an ‘SMS key’ for each applicable Sailthru profile. An ‘SMS key’ serves as a unique identifier for a given SMS user and allows marketers to more effectively track opt out statuses, segment audiences, and report on performance at the user-level, across channels. In addition to improving the way marketers can get data out of the platform, we have also added support for SMS optout status via the User API as well. So now, the SMS key is available for managing messaging as well as identifier reference. All Sailthru customers will have access to these capabilities. You do not need to send SMS through Sailthru in order to use this as an identifier. You do not need to send SMS to update optout status. Clients can see the export feature on my.sailthru, can initiate an export which will include SMS key from the Job API, and update sending optout status using a POST call to the User API. The relevant spots on Getstarted to help you make use of this new capability is:
  1. Exporting Data via my.sailthru
  2. Exporting Data via Jobs API   
  3. Updating a profile with the User API
Contact Sailthru through your Customer Success Manager or our Support team for more information.