
Email Summary with Label Filtering

Sailthru’s Analytics are getting another upgrade to its filtering capabilities! This time, we’re building upon Email Summary to bring you a way to segment your most important key metrics by Labels! Labels are a powerful tool for marketers who need to organize their sends. Whether it’s keeping track of bundles of regular Campaign sends, or grouping together Templates with common business or editorial themes and content, we here at Sailthru know that it’s important to understand how your sends are performing by using your organization methods and tagging. Example Sailthru Media Customer with Filter by Labels functionality on the Email Summary feature Sailthru understands that measurement and management go hand in hand, and that’s why we’ve created this new filtering capability that lets you drill in and see how your sends are performing. When you’re in the Campaigns data view, you’ll see the Campaign blasts that are associated with the Label. And likewise, when you’re in the Triggered data view, you’ll see Templates associated with the Label and with send counts by the day. How it works Users can access this new filter within either the ‘Campaigns’ section of the Email Summary or the ‘Triggered’ section, since Labels can apply to Campaigns or Templates. While in the Email Summary feature, click on the dropdown control ‘Labels’ tab to activate the left-side filters and see which Labels are available for selection. You can choose up to 10 Labels to display. You can then see the associated data in the context of up to 7 key metrics. The feature is available for everyone who sends email through the Sailthru platform. To learn more about this Email Summary feature, Getstarted documentation is available.