
SMS in Overlays

Sailthru has been heavily investing in building out the ability to capture SMS numbers and consent! We’re excited to introduce SMS capture in Overlays to help you build robust profiles and target your customers in the channel they’ll engage with the most!

If you have Onsite or SMS as part of your product suite, you’ll be able to create overlays that allow you to capture SMS numbers as well as SMS consent.
  1. Create a “Grow Messaging List” modal and banner overlay. 
  2. Click the “SMS” checkbox as a target channel you want to capture information on.
    1. Note: When clicking this checkbox, you will be required to capture at least one type of usecase consent (marketing or transactional).
  3. Select the usecase consent you’d like to capture.
  4. You will see a new input field to capture phone numbers and checkbox fields for the consent you are capturing.
In addition to these new fields, you will be able to update the design and placeholder/label text for the “Phone Number Input” and “SMS Marketing/Transactional Checkbox” fields.
  1. To change the design and placeholder/label text, go to the “Content” tab and select the element you want to update.
  2. Under the Content tab, you will have options to change multiple design elements and text tied to the field.
In addition to new input fields, we’re expanding our targeting options to allow you to better show overlays to interested parties. These new options will allow you to target the following visitors:
  • Visitors with known email – Show overlay if email key is present in profile.
  • Visitors with known phone number – Show overlay if SMS key is present in profile.
  • Visitors with unknown email – Show overlay if email key is not present in profile.
  • Visitors with unknown phone number – Show overlay if SMS key is not present in profile.
NOTE 1: To align with TCPA (Telecommunications Protection Act) regulations, you must obtain consent for transactional and marketing messages from your customers separately. Capturing consent cannot be tied to a single checkbox. The text must also contain explicit language around the usecase the consent is tied to (eg. “I would like to receive marketing messages”, “I would like to receive updates”. NOTE 2: Non-US and non-Canadian profiles must type in “+[country code]” when submitting their SMS numbers to successfully have their number captured and receive SMS messages from Sailthru. NOTE 3: SMS customers who do not have the Onsite will be able to create 1 overlay. Please reach out to your CSM for details. For more information, see the SMS in Overlays documentation.