
Update to mobile app audience query may affect list counts

We are fixing a bug with the Audience Builder “has Sailthru mobile app” query that previously failed to recognize when apps were uninstalled/removed or a device no longer exists.
As a result of this, you may notice a one-time change in audience size for Smart Lists. The change is likely to result in a decrease in total profiles/customers. This filter is being updated to no longer show apps/profiles where the app has been removed/uninstalled, per the detection done within the mobile SDK. As a result, list counts before this change are likely to be higher, however reach of actual push-enabled users is unlikely to change.
The change is expected to take place by end-of-day Eastern Standard Time on Feb. 3, 2021, which means accounts should update during the overnight hours during nightly list counts and processing. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Sailthru Customer Success team member or Sailthru Support.