
Zendesk Integration Coming Soon!

Get ready for an exciting new release from Sailthru. In the coming weeks we’ll be launching a new integration with Zendesk to make the critical connection between customer support and marketing even more valuable to your customer retention efforts. The app is designed to provide valuable and actionable data from Sailthru to support agents when working with customers. The app will synchronize customer profile data in both directions between Sailthru and Zendesk. This allows support agents to interact with customers’ Sailthru profiles, while also allowing marketers to act on their statuses in Zendesk. Features include:
  • In-ticket user list membership and opt-out status management.
  • In-ticket Sailthru data on customer behavior (e.g. engagement, last open, signup time)
  • Profile data sync between Sailthru and Zendesk, with support for updating user email addresses from Zendesk.
  • Set customers’ health rating in Zendesk to inform your Sailthru marketing strategy through a profile var.
Clients with Prediction Manager will also have access to the following features:
  • Customer Value Score: a representation of the customer’s predicted quartile segment in either 30-day pageviews (for publishers) or 365-day revenue (for ecommerce).
  • High Value Customer Tagging: The Sailthru app will automatically tag high value customers based on Customer Value Score with a sailthru_highvalue label in Zendesk.
For more information about all features and how to get started with the Zendesk integration, read our full documentation.