
HTML for Email 3.0

HTML for Email 3.0 in Email Composer is here! This release offers improvements like:
  • Faster design rendering
  • Reduced output file size
  • Simpler, cleaner HTML output
  • Wider email client compatibility, including reduced Gmail clipping
With this update being a major change in how Email Composer generates emails, it may affect how your templates are viewed and rendered. How to apply changes to previously rendered templates Since these changes occur in the rendering process, these changes do not automatically get applied to previously rendered templates. In order to apply these improvements to older templates, they will need to be re-saved.
  1. Open template in Email Composer.
  2. Click the “save” button in the upper-right corner.
All visual templates created after the release will automatically be rendered with HTML for Email 3.0 improvements. How will your design be affected? For most cases, we don’t anticipate these changes to affect your existing designs. However, if you have visual templates used in active flows, we recommend keeping those templates untouched to reduce the likelihood of unexpected design changes. We also recommend making a copy of visual templates with heavily customized HTML and Zephyr before editing and saving them to see if the design will drastically be affected. For assistance, please reach out to support@sailthru.com. Description of Changes Content block markup To minimize the HTML generated and more efficiently coded, the renderer is moving from a DIV element-based fluid hybrid design to a more standard table layout. Code compression One of the major improvements with HTML for Email 3.0 is that it provides a more compact markup format. This improved compression optimizes compatibility across email clients. Example of uncompressed code:
<td>Hello Word!</td>
Compression is done by removing the whitespace between tags, allowing the renderer to present the fewest possible lines of HTML. Example of compressed code: <span style="font-weight: 400;"><table><tr><td>Hello Word!</td></tr></table></span> While the code may be less readable to the human eye, this reduces the size of exported HTML files by an average of 20% and decreases email clipping in multiple email clients.